Mientras nieva en marte – As It Snows on Mars

‘Mientras Nieva en Marte’ (‘As It Snows on Mars’) is a captivating poetic journey penned by Colombian Poet María Clara González De Urbina and masterfully translated by Helena Samper. Within these pages, readers will unearth a mosaic of emotions woven intricately through poems that traverse the expanse of human experience. The verses transcend linguistic boundaries, embracing both Spanish and English. ‘Mientras Nieva en Marte’ delves into hollow time, broken fields, and the complexities of our digital age through the lens of symbolism and introspection. From the raw landscapes of an Earth without ice to the distant cities of imagination, the poems carry readers through vivid landscapes of thought and emotion. This bilingual collection serves as a testament to the power of words, inviting readers to explore María Clara González De Urbina’s poetic universe and contemplate the endless dimensions of existence.”


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