Year-round programs

Each of the programs below include a guided tour of the Walt Whitman Birthplace. Scouts may apply the following programs toward earning badges from either Nassau County or Suffolk County Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts.

For more information or to make a reservation, contact our Education Director at 631-427-5240 ext. 113 or

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our scout programs

Click any tab below to learn more about that program.

Learn the inspiration Whitman’s influence had on one of the following artists: Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, or Georgia O’Keefe…you decide!


During this 90-minute workshop, participants will create their own artwork guided by an experienced art history teacher.


$20.00 per registered Girl Scout includes a WWBA patch. (Leaders free in their supervisory capacity.) No Tag-Alongs

15 Girls Scouts plus 3 Chaperones (including troop leaders and parents) maximum

Learn and Earn: Brownie Painting badge, 
(Wear art friendly clothing or bring a smock)

To schedule a program: Call 631-427-5240 x 113 or email


 Learn the history of afternoon tea and table etiquette and practice your social skills to build the confidence you need to work the room at this fun and informative program. Make the connection between present and past while setting the table for a traditional tea party and preparing place cards. Learn cellphone etiquette and how to make personal introductions that leave a lasting impression. 1 and 1/2 hour program.

$20.00 per registered Girl Scout, Leaders free in their supervisory capacity

15 Girls Scouts plus 3 Chaperones (including troop leaders and parents) maximum

No Tag-Alongs
5-person minimum
To schedule a program: Call 631-427-5240 x 113 or email 


Create pinch pots of your own after learning about pottery made during the 19th century on Long Island. See authentic pieces of pottery and learn their unique and little-known history!

$20.00 per registered Girl Scout  includes a WWBA patch, Leaders free in their supervisory capacity
No Tag-Alongs

15 Girls Scouts plus 3 Chaperones (including troop leaders and parents) maximum

5-person minimum
Learn and Earn: Brownie Potter badge

To schedule a program: Call 631-427-5240 x 113 or email

Have fun learning calligraphy with a quill pen, ink and parchment paper to write a letter to a soldier, senior, family member or friend, just like Walt Whitman did in his time.

$20 per registered Girl Scout includes a WWBA patch, Leaders free in their supervisory capacity

15 Girls Scouts plus 3 Chaperones (including troop leaders and parents) maximum

No Tag-Alongs
5-person minimum

To schedule a program: Call 631-427-5240 x 113 or email

Immerse yourself as a character of Walt Whitman’s time-period. Explore life in the 19th Century through hands-on activities and lively reenactments.

$15.00 per registered Girl Scout 

No Tag-Alongs
5-person minimum

15 Girls Scouts plus 3 Chaperones (including troop leaders and parents) maximum

To Schedule a program: Call 631-427-5240 x 113 or email

Explore the movement and magic of yoga and poetry outside on our great lawn. Find how different poses and postures can lead to feeling positively energized. Also, listen to poems that offer ideas to think about throughout the practice. No previous experience is required. Simply an open mind.   Please bring a towel or yoga mat.

$15 per registered Girl Scout includes a WWBA patch  – No Tag-Alongs 

15 Girls Scouts plus 3 Chaperones (including troop leaders and parents) maximum                                              

5-person minimum

To schedule a program: Call 631-427-5240 x 113 or email

Enjoy our great lawn and be inspired as your group sits outside and creates poetry through guided prompts. 

$15 per registered Girl Scout

15 Girls Scouts plus 3 Chaperones (including troop leaders and parents) maximum

No Tag-Alongs

5-person minimum                                               

To schedule a program: Call 631-427-5240 x 113 or email